The University of Kentucky Department of Community & Leadership Development (UK-CLD) seeks candidates to fill a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Community-Engaged Research in Community Development.
American Institutes for Research is currently looking for 2 East Africa consultants (with quantitative and qualitative expertise), who would contribute to the research and analysis of women’s self-help groups in the region.
The program is intended for researchers from the fields of economic sociology and comparative and international political economy and offers stays generally ranging from two to 12 months.
It is our pleasure to announce that RC02 Economy and Society has joined the successful public sociology blog Work in Progress (WiP) Our goal in this collaboration is to make RC02 members’ research accessible to a larger international public, including international journalists, civil society actors and interested publics. The blog circulates through all the usual social media and by an email list.
Should you be interested in writing a chapter in such a handbook please inform us and let us know what your particular interest and contribution would be.
Please allow us to inform you about the CfP for the conference “Time is Money, and Beyond: The Temporality of Action and Consequences”, to be held 6-7 May 2019 in Warsaw (Poland).