At the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in Melbourne, Australia
Wednesday June 28 from 6:20pm-7:20pm, Crown – M2 (Level 1)
The Global Labour Journal is the official journal of RC-44. At each ISA meeting the Global Labour Journal presents an Author-Meets-Critics panel showcasing important new books in the field of global labour studies. This year’s panel will be held immediately following the RC-44 business meeting, in the same venue. The panel will feature the following books:
The Migration-Development Regime:
How class shapes Indian emigration
by Rina Agarwala (Johns Hopkins University)
Reviewed by Irudaya Rajan (International Institute for Migration and Development)
The Urbanization of People:
The politics of development, labor markets, and schooling in the Chinese city
by Eli Friedman (Cornell University)
Reviewed by Jenny Chan (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Labor and Politics in Indonesia
by Teri Caraway and Michelle Ford
Reviewer TBA