
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

Editorial: President, RC02

Our summer newsletter launches the run up to the RC02 program at the fifth ISA Forum, July 6-11, 2025 in Rabat, Morocco. At the close of session submissions on July 1, we received more session proposals than our limit of 28, but with some consolidation of similar sessions, and given that several sessions are jointly proposed with other RCs in the lead, we were able to accept all program ideas. A report on the topics is included in this newsletter. The breadth and depth is credited to the Program Committee who solicited panel proposals from all world regions. Thanks to Sandhya AS, Heidi Gottfried, Nadya Araujo Guimaraes, Michelle Hsieh, Ece Kocabicak, Rebecca Pearse for their great support.

Abstract submission begins August 5 and we look forward to reviewing our members’ submissions and filling out the panels with your scholarship. Please mind the deadline, October 15, 2024. 

A highlight of the RC02 program will be our second Early Career Scholars’ Workshop. The results of the first highly successful workshop are published in this newsletter. The ISA Executive could not guarantee bookings for rooms prior to the Forum begin on July 6. Thus, we have integrated an early career workshop into two sessions of the normal program schedule. The format will remain the same. Early career scholars, at the advanced PhD phase or recently graduated are invited to send in abstracts by the October 15 deadline. However, full papers will be required at the time of registration for the conference (deadline March 22,2025). Participants are expected to read all papers in advance and to comment on their peers’ work. As at the first early career scholars’ workshop, we will invite established scholars to help us to select, and to comment on papers, with an eye to suggesting revisions for publication. We will also invite an editor of a journal to give some tips on revising and resubmission processes. As in 2023, we will conclude with dinner together in a local restaurant. Details will be available in the Winter Newsletter later this year.

Summer is a time for finding a slower pace, reading off topic, and experiencing new places and cultures. We hope you are able and willing to travel in an environmentally sustainable way if you are fortunate enough to live in peace. For those living in conflict zones, this is not an option. In Ukraine, in the war-torn civil societies of Gaza, the Palestinian Territories and Israel, in the camps where refugees fleeing conflict are held, university life and scholarship is devastated, with facilities destroyed or students enlisted. We are all called to protest against war, to seek solutions, to hope rather than hate, and to contribute in any way possible to rebuilding educational institutions for the future as soon as possible

Karen Shire

President, RC02 Economy and Society

July 5, 2024

Transformative Contributory Rights: Citizenship in South Korea’s Compressed Modernity

RC02 Newsletter (Winter 2023)

RC02 Newsletter (Winter 2023)