Originally published: Winter 2018 RC02 Newsletter
Dear RC02 Economy and Society Members, Colleagues, and Friends,
How can RC02 help you connect, collaborate, and create? Send me your ideas. If you are interested in organizing a conference on a theme connected to economy and society, particularly in 2019 or 2021, we can provide institutional support and some funding. Again, please reach out to me with your ideas.
We are simultaneously a global community of scholars that meets periodically, and a broader academic society tied together in real time by publications and electronic media such as these. Over the next four years, I am pursuing several strategies to better publicize your research and to update our communication media.
Our initial low-hanging fruit in this larger project is replacing our old email listserv with this new email platform. The default setting is to receive announcements (when available) on Fridays. At the bottom of every email you will have the option to change this to monthly emails, or to unsubscribe completely. Please send calls for papers, new positions, recent books and published articles to dstoltz [at] nd [dot] edu (please put RC02 in the subject). The more you share, the more you help your global colleagues.
This electronic magic was created by Dustin Stoltz, our new Secretary and Newsletter Editor, and a doctoral candidate at Notre Dame University. By year’s end, our biannual pdf newsletters will be moved to an electronic platform, and both the newsletter and announcements will be available and archived on our new website.
Lastly, below is the contact information of your elected board and officers. We are at your service. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with your ideas, questions, or requests.
President: Aaron Z. Pitluck, Illinois State University, Aaron.Pitluck [at] IllinoisState [dot] edu
Vice President: Karen Shire, University Duiseburg-Essen, karen.shire [at] uni-due.de
Secretary & Newsletter Editor: Dustin S. Stoltz, University of Notre Dame, dstoltz [at] nd [dot] edu
Treasurer: Cory Blad, Manhattan College, cory.blad [at] manhattan [dot] edu
Board members:
William Carroll, University of Victoria, wcarroll [at] uvic [dot] ca
Chris Chase-Dunn, University of California-Riverside, christopher.chase-dunn [at] ucr [dot] edu
Heidi Gottfried, Wayne State University, ag0921 [at] wayne [dot] edu
Nadya Araujo Guimaraes, University of São Paulo, nadya [at] usp [dot] br
Michelle Fei-hyu Hsieh, Academia Sinica, mhsieh17 [at] gate.sinica [dot] edu [dot] tw
Georgina Murray, Griffith University, g.murray [at] griffith [dot] edu [dot] au
Alejandra Salas-Porras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, asalasporras [at] gmail [dot] com
Christian Suter, Université de Neuchâtel, christian.suter [at] unine [dot] ch
Keep in touch!
Aaron Pitluck