Welfare systems are experiencing structural transformations that require new and critical examination of the traditionally shaped social policy paradigms. The economic and social values that have shaped past policies in mature welfare systems are being questioned while developing welfare systems face mounting challenges. Rethinking sustainable welfare or sustainable welfare models is compelled by a series of interrelated societal changes that have become pressing globally: demographic and family changes, new migration patterns, the digitalisation of labour and public services, and the green transition.
ISA’s RC19’s (Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy) annual conference, to be organized by Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway (September 4-6, 2024), invites papers that discuss drivers and challenges of social policies, including but not restricted to sustainable welfare. Papers can have a global, world-regional, national, subnational, and/or local perspective. RC19 encourages comparative and transnational research. Especially welcome are theoretically-grounded empirical papers. Papers exploring new theoretical concepts and research methods in social policy are also welcome. Please submit your abstract via email. The organizers encourage authors to include information about the empirical basis of their paper in the abstract.
The deadline for abstract submission is 29 February 2024.
For more information, visit: https://www.oslomet.no/en/about/events/rc19-2024/rc19-call-for-papers