
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

CfA: Research Assistant/Associate/Professor & Director of AidData TUFF; DL: 06 Dec, 2024

The Global Research Institute (GRI) and Arts & Sciences (A&S) at William & Mary, a public university of the Commonwealth of Virginia, seeks applications for a tenure track position at the Advanced Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor level in the social sciences. Appointment will begin August 10, 2025. We are interested in individuals with research and teaching expertise in global development and cross-border financial flows from sociology, political science, economics, or public policy, and strong applicants from related fields are encouraged to apply. Prospective tenure units for the successful applicant are Sociology (preferred), Economics, or Government.

The duties of the 9-month instructional faculty position (which include up to 3 months of additional grant-supported summer salary) include research, teaching, and service to the University. The applicant is expected to establish and maintain a vibrant, externally funded research program that inspires a highly motivated body of undergraduate and graduate students. Additionally, as a member of the senior leadership team of the GRI’s AidData research lab, the applicant is expected to conduct pioneering research on the nature, distribution, and effects of aid, credit, and investment from non-Western sources; prepare and submit grant proposals that advance the research objectives of the Tracking Underreported Financial Flows Unit; broker and manage partnerships with external sponsors; generate innovative academic and policy research that generates elite media coverage and Interest among public sector decision-makers; formulate and implement strategies to maximize the internal cohesion, productivity, and policy impact of an externally-funded programmatic unit with approximately 12 full-time employees; and directly supervise and mentor several unit employees.

The successful applicant will also have a track record of publishing research in leading, peer-reviewed disciplinary and inter-disciplinary journals; demonstrated experience working with large, complex datasets using Stata, R, Python, and/or Matlab; a track record of submitting deliverables and progress reports to external research sponsors in a timely and acceptable manner; substantial experience leading interdisciplinary teams and technically-demanding research projects; and substantial experience effectively communicating research methods and findings to those who make and shape international policies and programs.

Teaching expectation is 1 course per semester. Successful applicants must possess the skills to teach compelling courses – including lecture and seminar-style courses – in one or more of the following subject areas: economic sociology, sociology of development, international economics, development economics, comparative politics, international relations, public policy, or research methods.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in sociology, economics, political science, public policy, or a related discipline at the time appointment begins (August 10, 2025). Applicants must also have at least five years of experience designing and implementing externally sponsored international research projects as a Principal Investigator; and a track record of obtaining large-scale research funding from a diverse set of government agencies, international organizations, and/or philanthropic sources.

Deadline for application: 06/12/2024
For more details and application procedure, visit https://jobs.wm.edu/postings/62335

CfA: IMISCOE Summer School 'Developing a sensory methodology in migration studies'; DL: 20 Dec, 2024

CfP: SASE 2025, Palais des Congrès, Montréal, Québec; DL: December 16, 2024.