
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

Call for Applications: Professorship of Sociology, Johannes Kepler University; DL: November 8th, 2023

Johannes Kepler University, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, is seeking a permanent professorship in Sociology with a focus on sociological theories and social analyzes (taking the gender dimension into account). The employment takes place in accordance with Section 98 UG. An evaluation of the professorship takes place after 5 years.

The holder of the position is concerned with the development of social theory and social analyzes of contemporary societies and their changes. With a focus on social inequality, taking into account the scientific research and theoretical analysis of gender relations, the professorship deals with one of the central subject areas of sociology. The holder of the position is therefore expected to develop research perspectives and collaborations across departments and together with colleagues at the institute on the main topics relevant to inequality that are being worked on at the Institute of Sociology. There is a voluntary agreement on a salary that is above the minimum gross salary stipulated in the collective agreement, which is currently €81,571.00 gross.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Susanne Pernicka, at susanne.pernicka@jku.at

For further information, visit: https://www.jku.at/die-jku/arbeiten-an-der-jku/stellenausschreibungen/professuren/professur-fuer-soziologie-soziologische-theorien-und-sozialanalysen-unter-beruecksichtigung-der-genderdimension/

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