
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

Call for contributions for RC02 Autumn Newsletter; DL: November 10th, 2023

The deadline for contributions is approaching!

ISA's Economy and Society Research Committee (RC02) publishes bi-annual newsletters, offering a valuable platform to showcase your research, disseminate key findings, and forge collaborations.

We warmly invite you to contribute to our upcoming RC02 Newsletter.

Why should you consider submitting a short piece to the RC02 Newsletter?

·       Reach a global audience of sociologists, scholars, and policymakers spanning diverse geographical areas.
·       Establish meaningful connections with fellow researchers and nurture innovative ideas.
·       Engage in or initiate impactful debates within your field.
·       Amplify the visibility of your work on a broader stage.

What kinds of submissions are welcome for the newsletter?

The upcoming newsletter will focus on the themes of the crisis of democracy and the growing tide of authoritarianism. Given the conditions in which the rights of women, LGBTQ+ individuals, racialised communities, and working classes are increasingly under attack, violence is expanding at both structural and individual levels. We value and welcome your contributions to this important focus area.

At the same time, we are keen to hear from you about:

·       New research, whether your own or noteworthy work in your field that you'd like to discuss.
·       Insights from conferences, panels, research networks, or other significant events you've been part of.
·       Fresh perspectives or innovative approaches to contemporary economic and societal issues.
·       Your informed opinions on news or developments within your area of expertise.
·       Reflections on recent shifts in policy and legal frameworks.
·       And more! Share any other compelling insights or ideas you may have.

When is the submission deadline?

Please submit your contributions to Ece Kocabıçak [ece.kocabicak@open.ac.uk] by Friday, November 10th, 2023.

Stay connected with us on social media (@RC02_ISA) and subscribe to our weekly updates for the latest announcements.

Very best,

Ece KOCABIÇAK, Executive Secretary, The Open University, ece.kocabicak@open.ac.uk

Sandhya A.S., Online Communications Manager, University Duisburg-Essen, sandhya.as@uni-due.de

Symposium: Racialization and Continued Oppression of Palestine

Call for abstracts-SASE; DL: Jan 19, 2024