ISA RC02 Economy & Society

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Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Capital & Class; DL: 15 Oct. 2023

The purpose of this Special Issue in the journal Capital and Class is to foster a conversation between two of the most innovative strands of contemporary Marxist thought: Political Marxism and Open Marxism. The editors Jack Copley, Alexis Moraitis, Javier Moreno-Zacarés, Teddy Paikin and Sam Salourfeel feel that this has been a neglected area of academic study, and that despite important differences in their approaches, there is great scope for productive cross-pollination between these two Marxist traditions.

This Special Issue will examine these – and other – divergences and convergences between Political and Open Marxism. We invite papers that explore how these Marxist traditions approach the following themes and more (the list below is not exhaustive):
·      Value theory
·      The capitalist state
·      Theories of crisis and stagnation
·      Money and finance
·      International Relations
·      The critique of structuralist Marxism
·      Gendered and raced forms of domination
·      The concept of socialism/communism

Deadline for abstracts: 15 October 2023

Please send abstracts (maximum 250 words) and any enquiries to:

For details, visit: