ISA RC02 Economy & Society

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New position: Economic Sociology, Assistant or Associate Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor rank beginning in August, 2023. While our aim is to welcome in a new faculty member at the assistant level, we would consider a current advanced assistant professor for the associate level in special situations.

The successful candidate will have a primary appointment and tenure home in the Department of Sociology, will teach and mentor undergraduate and graduate students, engage in scholarly research, and participate in University and professional service.


Successful candidates will have a record of or demonstrate potential for:
- Excellence in scholarly research, preferably in the areas of race/ethnicity, health and aging, medical sociology, stratification and inequality, education, methods (non-specified), organizations, or economic sociology;
- Working with, teaching, and mentoring diverse groups and diverse students;
- Teaching and curriculum development in higher education.