The journal “Em Tese”, from Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil, calls for papers to the special issue on "Social Studies of Innovation".
It is not new that Innovation Studies recognize the social, political, cultural, legal and territorial aspects that go beyond the restricted view of innovation as something necessarily positive and limited to technological development. Based on this complexity, and on the essentially borderline and multifaceted nature of the subject, this special issue seeks to address the various facets of innovation and its consequences.
Therefore, this call is made to welcome the most diverse contributions that have focused on the topic of innovation, whether they are focused on the dynamics of innovation development, innovation policies or the social effects of innovation. The editors are looking to publish leading-edge papers with a different range of methodologies, theories, concepts, models and applications on any aspect of innovation. The special issue aims to publish papers from Economic Sociology but also from the vast field of Social Sciences, whether theoretical or applied. In addition to the papers in the dossier, the issue will feature a translation of an article by Jan Fargerberg, Professor at the Center for Technology, Innovation and Culture, at the University of Oslo, and an interview with the Flávia L. Consoni, Professor at the Department of Science and Technology Policy at the University of Campinas.
Submission of Full Paper: until July 29th, 2022.
Special Issue publication (expected): until November, 2022.
Robson Rocha de Souza Junior -
Rodrigo Foresta Wolffenbüttel -
Sandro Ruduit Garcia -
Link to submission: