
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

Call for Joint Session on on COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine War at ISA World Congress

From Ofra Anson, President of RC41 (Sociology of Population) ofra@bgu.ac.il:

In preparation for the upcoming 20th World Congress of Sociology, I would like to call your attention to a decision taken by the board of RC41, the Sociology of Population. We felt that recent events should not be ignored, and to call for sessions and research papers which focus on Covid-19 and the current Russia – Ukraine war. These events are related to all aspects of social life: inequality and power relations (i.e. the politics of vaccination distribution), family affairs (i.e. dating, family violence, separation), religious reactions, social economy, migration, mortality, and much more. These are special times. Covid has disrupted all aspects of social life and the war in Europe is calling into question all our assumptions about the current world order. Rather than compartmentalize our discipline, we need to work together and establish sessions that can pool insights from the different approaches that the RCs represent. 

Some members of RC02 may have studied the population consequences of both crises and can contribute to enrich our understanding and discussion.


Ofra Anson, President
Walter Bartl, Vice President

Lecture: "Pandemic and (in)equality" Speakers: Judith Butler and Jacques Rancičre, 4 April 2022

Call for Papers: Immanuel Wallerstein: Celebrating his Life and Legacies, UCLA, DL: 01 May 2022