ISA RC02 Economy & Society

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ISA Membership Grant for Students, DL 15 December 2022

Competition for ISA Membership Grant for Students:

Are you a student who is planning on participating in the forthcoming ISA World Congress in Melbourne but you don’t yet have a membership with the International Sociological Association?

The Economy & Society Research Committee (RC02) can award up to 8 International Sociological Association Membership grants to students that are planning on actively participating in the forthcoming ISA World Congress in Melbourne, June 25 – July 1, 2023. The deadline for application is 15 December 2022.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. You must be a session organizer or an active participant at the ISA World Congress 2023 (either oral presentations or distributed paper);

  2. You must be a student, and

  3. You can’t currently be a member of the International Sociological Association.

Selection Criteria and Process:

We can award a total of 8 grants (3 grants to students from Category A countries and 5 grants to students from Category B and C countries). To maximize the impact of the grants, we will prioritize providing grants to eligible applicants based on the following criteria:

  1. Nature of participation with RC02 at the World Congress, ranked as follows: session organizer, oral presentation, or distributed paper.

  2. Prioritizing when possible students residing in Category C countries (low and middle income countries).

  3. Taking into consideration the applicant’s statement.

These country income categories do not reflect development status and are used for operational purposes by the International Sociological Association. Brazil, for example, is a Category B country. To determine the category of your country, you may consult:

The grant selection committee will consist of, at a minimum, RC02 President (Aaron Pitluck), RC02 Vice President (Karen Shire) and the RC02 Secretary (Dustin Stoltz). The RC02 President will inform the applicants of the outcome of the competition.

To apply, submit the following information to Aaron Pitluck at

  • Name:

  • Name of university where you are a student:

  • Name of country where you currently reside. (If this is different than your university, please briefly explain):

  • Are you currently a member of the International Sociological Association?

  • How are you participating in the 2022 World Congress? Please list the name of the Research Committee and the session title(s) and describe the form of your participation.

  • Optional: You may provide a brief (one sentence to one paragraph) rationale for support if you feel that additional information would be helpful.

Deadline for Applications: Emails must be received by 15 December 2022.