
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

CFP: People's Summit "What Values Do You Want To Share?" DL: 15 February 2022

What Values Do You Want To Share?

The People's Summit, a space where people can co-build a new eco-social world together by advancing their ideas and engaging across cultures and perspectives, needs your contribution!

If you would like to share your ideas, research results, activist strategies, your latest white paper or advocacy win, it's time to start working on your contribution.

Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2022

Contributions can take many forms, and all will be part of the Global People's Summit which will take place online on 29 June - 2 July 2022.

Choose your type of contribution:

  • Academic presentation

  • Blog

  • Dance, song

  • Interview

  • Panel discussion

  • Pechakucha presentation or Ted Talk

  • Poetry, storytelling

  • Workshops

 Choose the values you represent: 

  • Buen Vivir, love and care of people and the planet, responsibilities and rights

  • Respect, dignity, harmony and justice

  • Diversity, belonging, reciprocity and equity

  • Ubuntu, togetherness and community

Join us at the People's Global Summit to co-build a new eco-social world together, based on values that shape policies and practices to ensure sustainability and well-being–not only for each human being but for the societies we live in together and for the ecosystems on which we all depend.

All contributions will shape the Global Values Declaration for a new eco-social world that will be delivered to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in July 2022 and will create a catalyst for further global action.

Contribute here: https://newecosocialworld.com/ways-to-contribute/

The Unintended Persistence of Recycling in India by Dana Kornberg, Work in Progress

New Book: Care and Capitalism, Kathleen Lynch, Polity