
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

ISA Forum Registration Grant, deadline: 31 January 2020

ISA Forum Registration Grant:

The International Sociological Association’s Secretariat has allocated US$ 2,300 that we may disburse to active participants of the ISA Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Grants will not be paid in cash; rather, a special code will be given to each grant recipient prior to the Early Registration deadline (March 19, 2020).

Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible, the ISA requires that applicants are ISA members in good standing (i.e. who have paid the individual membership fee) and who are active participants in the conference program. Applicants are only permitted to apply for a registration grant from one Research Committee, Working Group, or Thematic Group. Please note that individuals that apply for multiple grants will be disqualified by the ISA Secretariat.

Selection Criteria and Process: To maximize the number of registration grants that we can provide, and maximize the impact of the grants, we will prioritize providing grants to Student ISA members and to Regular ISA members from Category C countries (low and lower middle income) and Category B countries (upper middle income). Regular members from Category A countries are encouraged to apply but should recognize that funds are limited.

These income categories do not reflect development status and are used for operational purposes by the International Sociological Association. Brazil, for example, is a Category B country. To determine the category of your country, you may consult: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/membership/table-of-economies-by-category

As required by the ISA Rules, the Program Coordinators (Aaron Pitluck and Nadya Arujo Guimaraes) will select the award winners in consultation with the RC02 Secretary (Dustin Stoltz). The President will inform the grant recipients by February 15, 2020.

To apply, submit the following information to the RC02 President, Aaron Pitluck at Aaron.Pitluck@IllinoisState.edu by 31 January 2020:

  • Name:

  • Affiliation:

  • Position:

  • Are you currently a Student ISA Member or a Regular ISA member?

  • In which country have you registered your ISA membership?

  • Are you a member of RC02?

  • Optional: You may provide a brief (one sentence to one paragraph) rationale for support if you feel that additional information would be helpful.

Deadline for Applications: Emails must be received by 31 January 2020.

Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellow in Capitalism Studies, UNC, USA, deadline: 15 February 2020

Call for Abstracts: “The Economy of Arts” part of the Cultural Analysis of the Economy, ISA Forum Pre-conference, deadline: 5 January 2020