Call for Papers: Expected Inequalities and Unintended Symmetries, Warsaw, deadline: 15 December 2019.
Expected Inequalities and Unintended Symmetries, 11-12 May 2020, Warsaw (Poland)
Dear Colleagues,
Please allow us to inform you about the CfP for the conference “Expected Inequalities and Unintended Symmetries”, to be held 11-12 May 2020 in Warsaw (Poland).
The event is the 8th of the series of meetings on unintended consequences, which are organized within the framework of Polish Sociological Association, University of Warsaw and Polish Academy of Sciences.
Sam Friedman (London School of Economics) and Daniel Laurison (Swarthmore College) - authors of the book "The Class Ceiling: Why it Pays to be Privileged", accepted invitations to give keynote speech during the conference.
The deadline for submission abstracts is 15 December 2019. More information is available here
We also invite you to follow our Facebook and Twitter profiles, where you can find news and updates about the conference: and
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska, PhD
Assistant Professor, Social Structure Research Team
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences