Call for Proposals: Organize an International Conference related to Economy and Society, first-round deadline: 15 April 2019.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that I write to announce two opportunities.
The first is one that you have likely been anticipating. The International Sociological Association’s 4th Forum of Sociology will be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil from July 14-18, 2020. RC02 is looking for session organizers to propose session topics. The most common format is an open call for abstracts on a topic leading to a paper presentation session. However, we welcome proposals in alternative formats, including: Featured Speaker, Panel Session on a specific theme, Invited Sessions, Author meets their Critics, and Joint Sessions with other ISA RC/WG/TGs. The online session proposal submission system will be opened from 4 February through 15 March 2019, 24:00 GMT. Please note that the deadline is set by ISA and is inflexible. It is merely coincidental that the deadline falls on the Ides of March. The precise website for uploading your proposals has not yet been announced, but it will likely be accessible from here:
The second opportunity is an exceptional one. Are you interested in organizing a funded, international conference in your field of research expertise? Thanks to the work of Christian Suter, an RC02 Board member, the World Society Foundation has agreed to be a major sponsor for an RC02 interim conference in 2021, providing a budget that will cover generous subsidies for presenters’ travel and accommodations. Strong preference will be given to proposals for conferences held in middle- and low-income countries. This conference provides RC02 members a unique opportunity to advance the state of economic research while assisting in decolonizing knowledge regimes. The first-round deadline is 15 April 2019. Details for the RC02/WSF conference can be found in the following link: Instructions for Proposals.
If you have any questions about either opportunity, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Aaron.Pitluck [at] IllinoisState [dot] edu
Aaron Z. Pitluck
President of ISA Research Committee Economy and Society (RC02)
Chair of the ISA/WSF Conference Selection Committee