Position: Visiting Researcher Applications at MPI for the Study of Societies in Cologne, deadlines: 30 April 2019 and 31 October 2019
The program is intended for researchers from the fields of economic sociology and comparative and international political economy and offers stays generally ranging from two to 12 months. Applications are welcome from professors based either in Germany or abroad as well as young postdoctoral and doctoral researchers. Your intended research project should relate to the MPIfG's research program and ongoing projects at the Institute.
Applicants are asked to provide a funding plan for their stay. If your application is successful, you will receive a letter of invitation that you can use to approach funding institutions. In exceptional cases, the MPIfG can provide partial support for living costs or a fellowship for up to six months. Visiting researchers are provided with a shared office and have full access to the Institute's service infrastructure.
The MPIfG has a close cooperation with Sciences Po, and in 2012, the two institutes jointly founded the Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo) in Paris. Visiting researcher stays at the MPIfG can be combined with stays at MaxPo.
Applications should include a CV, the contact details of two referees, a list of your publications, and a research proposal (2–3 pages). Submit your application online as a single PDF file, in English or German, by April 30 for the following winter semester (starting October 1) and by October 31 for the following summer semester (starting April 1).
For more information see: https://www.mpifg.de/karriere/gaeste_visres_en.asp