ISA RC02 Economy & Society

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Call for Proposals: Revisiting South-South/BRICS/Emerging Powers Investment and Development Aid, Washington DC, deadline: December 7, 2018

In 2010, George Mason University hosted a conference titled "The New South-South Dynamic in Global Affairs: A Changing World Order.” The Global Affairs Seminar at Mason will revisit this conference with an afternoon of panel discussions focused on investment and development aid
on Thursday, January 31, 2018. We envision two panels (1-5pm) followed by a reception at our Fairfax campus. We welcome presenters and audience members from all disciplines.

Our confirmed panelists are Johanna Bockman (Global Affairs, Mason), Manjusha Nair (Sociology and Anthropology, Mason), Agnieszka Paczynska (School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Mason), and Byunghwan Son (Global Affairs, Mason).

Please direct inquiries and proposal submissions to Johanna Bockman ( by Friday, December 7, 2018. Include the following with your submission:

* Name, institution, and program of study
* Title and a brief abstract (approximately 200 words)
* Current CV
We look forward to reviewing your paper proposals.

For updated information on the event: